Abingdon News No.50

www.abingdon.org.uk 19 Scholarships This term saw a strong academic focus as the scholarship set took their exams for senior schools. It has been an incredibly successful year with two music scholarships and six music exhibitions, five academic scholarships, three sport and one art scholarship. National Prep Schools Cross-country Championships The Prep picked up first place in the U13 individual race and third place as a team. The U11 squad also put in a good performance finishing seventh. Fun with science All year groups had a lot of fun during science week in March with activities ranging from Reception creating green slime to Science Oxford leading workshops for the older boys. Outside of the science covered in the curriculum boys enjoyed hands on experiments in the two science clubs, offered as part of the Other Half. Amongst the activities, boys made keyrings from recycling foam cups and created rainbows in a test tube. As ever the creations coming out of the art studio this term were fantastic. Projects included drawing enticing homemade cakes, which were later devoured with enthusiasm, experimenting with water colours and exploring Indian and Mexican art. Art in Action Abingdon Preparatory School The Senior Section showed talent and commitment as the boys rose to the challenge of this ambitious production. Dragon Days House Music Festival The festival was a two day event this year beginning with the Junior and Middle Sections and featuring 14 instrumentalists and six singers with a new addition, the Debbie Rose Singing Cup presented for the first time. All boys performed confidently and with great musicality. The second day saw the Seniors on stage. The standard was extremely high with eight of the finalists recent recipients of music awards to senior schools. The two day festival was inspiring and a testament to the wealth of musical talent we have at the Prep. Animal Farm