Abingdon News No.50

18 April 2019 Abingdon Preparatory School WG Grace, aka the Headmaster, paid a visit to the Prep School on World book Day. He welcomed pupils and staff dressed up as characters from history and their favourite books. The boys’ costumes showed real imagination and spanned the centuries from Alfred the Great and many eminent Victorians to Steve Jobs. It’s been a very busy and successful term on the football pitch with every boy in Years 3-8 representing the school in fixtures. The U13A team put in some fine performances and the U10As were unbeaten. On the hockey pitch, boys have all improved greatly as the term progressed and they spent more time with stick in hand on the Astro. Intriguing visitors There was much excitement as the younger boys welcomed two very special visitors to school, a pair of Humboldt penguins. The children listened in awe as their habitats, diet, lifestyle and special penguin features were explained. Taking on the Headmaster Year 7 used their persuasive skills to convince curators (the teachers) why different famous Victorian characters should not be melted down and replaced by another waxwork. The boys researched their characters, created collages and wrote persuasive speeches giving reasons why they should remain in the museum. The boys also dressed as their character and used a wide array of props (Mrs. Beeton’s thick gingerbread was out of this world!). Year 7’s Waxwork Museum World Book Day As part of their drama and music programme, Years 3 and 4 put on a lively and entertaining musical production for parents and pupils. The boys gave excellent performances in an all singing and dancing extravaganza! Dragon Days Sport Year 5 was just completing their CDT table football project when Michael Windsor, Headmaster of the Senior School, popped in to take a look. With pride at stake and a supportive crowd, the boys took on the headmaster in a tight match.