Abingdon News No.48
8 September 2018 Paul Gooding - Head of Wellbeing “In our fast-paced world I believe schools are in an ideal position to make a difference.” This September Mr Gooding has moved from Middle Master to his new role of Head of Wellbeing. He will oversee the School’s programme of Personal Development which includes the PSHCE curriculum and the Mindsets programme in the Sixth Form. Paul will champion wellbeing - in the broadest sense - for all members of the school community. Writing about his new role, Mr Gooding says: The Government’s recent Green Paper “Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision” has, rightly, placed wellbeing and adolescent mental health well into the educational spotlight. If wellbeing is the canvas upon which we learn it is a fundamental starting point to enable a teenager to flourish, both in school life and beyond. At Abingdon, we want to encourage all boys, and staff, to excel in this area and develop healthy habits that last a lifetime. In our fast-paced world I believe schools are in an ideal position to make a difference; to give boys the tools, help and guidance to become flourishing, resilient and happy individuals. We want to encourage our school community to develop positive mental health to: • maintain good sleeping habits • make time for regular exercise and head space • eat healthily • take time to relax • equip boys to face the tough times of life with resilience and courage. We want to build on a culture which says “it is ok not to be ok”, for we all face setbacks from time to time. We want to continue to encourage our boys to see that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness and that it is vital, in life, to maintain a sense of humour and to try to keep things in perspective. We also want to equip the boys to see the importance of establishing firm boundaries and to give themselves permission to get lost in a book from time to time - for this is when we have the chance to recharge our batteries. I look forward to working with colleagues to build upon the work that we have already been doing in this important area of self-care. Abingdon News At the YE County Final, Team XYLO picked up the award for the best use of online media and for the best trade stand. Team Woodworx won the JSP award for the best manufactured product. YE Awards Mini-Olympics Eight local primary schools competed in this year’s Mini-Olympics with relays, an obstacle course, the climbing wall and ergo machines. Thameside Primary School went home the victors. Summer afternoon tea Community service volunteers organised afternoon tea for Abingdon residents with entertainment from the Gospel Choir, a flower quiz and delicious strawberries and cakes.
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