Abingdon News No.48

www.abingdon.org.uk 21 Abingdon Parents’ Association www.abingdon.org.uk/aspa Quiz Night Another great quiz night was had in April, with reigning champions for two consecutive years – The Questionables – still the firm favourites. They nearly did it for a third year, but a tie break clincher gave the victory to the Quizzy Rascals (Year 7) who prevailed by answering a tricky Eurovision question. Congratulations to the winners and the runners up! Many Thanks to the ASPA Committee Each summer term, the ASPA Committee convenes to recognise another successful series of events and fund raising activities. This year’s supper was also a celebration and farewell to a number of members who are leaving either because their sons have reached the Upper Sixth or because they are stepping down after a long tenure. We said a heartfelt thank you and goodbye to the following committee members: Sian Walsh – Upper 6th Rep Suzanne Mara – Events Co-ordinator Anne-Marie Nugent – Vice Chair Kerensa Butler – Chair We now have a few vacancies for the 18/19 School Year: 1st Year Rep 3rd Year House Reps 5th Year Rep Upper 6th Rep All of these roles can be shared with another parent; we already have three pairs in place on the Committee and it’s a great way to share the responsibilities and ideas. Please contact us if you are interested in getting involved: [email protected] Fish and Chips Parents also enjoyed a fish & chip supper which was a first for an ASPA event and it was a big success. The catering team pulled out all the stops and a huge thanks to John, Clive, Emma and the rest of the team, as well as to Nicola, Jay and Kathy from ASPA for running the event and the bar.