AN46 5 For the past two years Abingdon has been working with Reading University and King’s College London on a research project investigating haptics in science education. Haptics is the science of touch, but more recently it has been applied to computer interfaces that can ‘display’ shape and permit manipulation. Professor William Harwin from Reading brought in haptic devices and virtual reality headsets for a group of third year boys to trial. Prior to donning the VR headsets, the boys were quizzed on their knowledge of cell biology and carried out fine dexterity tests. The boys were very engrossed in the VR section of the trial and enjoyed moving molecules around their virtual cell. Following this they were quizzed again to see how their knowledge of cell biology had changed after using the haptics. Initial feedback from the boys was overwhelmingly positive with one overheard to say “I would even come in on a Saturday to learn with haptics”. Lower sixth physicists attended a Physics in Action day at Warwick University and were treated to a stimulating series of lectures. Demonstrations included beach balls used to show acceleration by radio frequencies in particle accelerators and how a phone torch can be used to look at oxygenated blood in our veins. Third Years explore Haptics The first joint Lower School event of the year took place at St Helen’s in the form of a dinner debate. The girls argued for the motion that ‘This house would rather be brave and poor than cowardly and rich’, with a group from Abingdon opposing. The motion was narrowly defeated by a mere two votes. A scratch balloon debate followed with speakers representing different professions arguing for why they should be the ones to stay in the hot air balloon - in a somewhat surprising move it was decided that the rappers were more deserving of the final place than those representing teachers, scientists, and nurses! The evening concluded with further discussion over pizza and ice cream. Brave and Poor v Cowardly and Rich Physics in Action
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