Santiago de Compostela The Fifth Years from Abingdon and St Helen’s enjoyed Spanish lessons, sightseeing and getting to know each other and their Spanish exchanges during their visit in October. Moldova This year’s Moldova Project saw 14 sixth formers and 3 members of staff travel to Eastern Europe to organise a series of children’s summer camps with Agape, our partner charity. Provence Sailing The Abingdon team also travelled to Lacu Rosu in Romania to stay with a group of 30 Moldovan children in a cabin in the Carpathian Mountains. 13 Classicists explored Provence visiting Roman monuments, studying the evolution of the civilisation and enjoying French culture. Two groups of Silver DofE sailors completed their practice expedition sailing from Plymouth to Salcombe and back, stopping in the River Yealm for dinner on the return leg. On the last day they completed navigation exercises around Plymouth harbour.
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