AN45 19 The annual under 11 cricket tour to the South West was hampered by rain and sadly all fixtures were cancelled. The boys were undeterred and thoroughly enjoyed themselves surfing, playing on the beach, tenpin bowling and going to the cinema. Abingdon Prep has a fantastic reputation for art, regularly exhibiting at Young Art Oxford and at the SATIPS, annual art exhibition where eight boys from Years 6 to 8 displayed their work. In May the Prep opened its doors to Oxfordshire Artweeks showcasing a wide range of work from across the years. An excited Year 3 visited the Ashmolean Museum to explore the exhibits on ancient Egypt, which they had discussed in lessons about life and the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. The boys held some original artefacts including an axe, a mirror and a statue base but their firm favourite had to be the mummies! Year 5 put all their energy into their trip to PGL, building shelters and camp fires and enjoying canoeing, aero ball, the giant swing, zip wire and abseiling. Definitely Not Cricket Amazing Art Bake Off With exams behind them, the Year 8 boys turned their attention to perfecting the art of baking in science making pizza dough and adding tasty toppings, followed by baking celebration cupcakes - needless to say, all eaten with relish! (Not literally!) Year 8 finished the term and their time at Abingdon Prep with the annual Normandy trip where they enjoyed a week of culture and fun, embracing all with enthusiasm. Activities included milking goats, trying their hand at boules on the beach, the poignant Allied War Cemetery and the Bayeux Tapestry and cathedral. Ancient Egypt The term’s busy music calendar came to a grand finale with the Summer Concert in the senior school’s Amey Theatre. Boys played and sang to a large, appreciative audience of parents and staff bringing a wonderful term to a superb end! Summer Concert Better weather later in the term saw the U11s secure a good win against Pinewood – leading to smiles all round!