APS News 23
abingdon.org.uk/prep 9 AbingdonPrep Performing Arts This was a wonderfully relaxed evening with the theme of ‘Love’. The performance included two renditions of The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes, the first by 5S, the second by 5L. This was sandwiched between individual musical items by our talented Year 5 musicians and two different interpretations of Romeo and Juliet . a bingdon.org.uk/prep 9 In early March, Year 6 took part in their first Shakespearean performance. They had been studying parts of Macbeth in their Drama lessons and both classes put together a showcase of improvisation and sections of the actual play to perform to parents. All boys took part by taking on one of the main roles, playing music on drums or being part of the slow motion fight scene. It was fantastic to see a whole year group working together and the amount of beards and scars was impressive! The boys did exceptionally well and demonstrated a clear understanding of the parts of the play they were trying to depict. A thoroughly enjoyable night. Year 6 Macbeth Playlets The highlight, however, was the whole year group singing of four classic Disney love songs, it gave the perfect platform to allow Year 5 to showcase their amazing singing and dramatic abilities. The audience went home hugely impressed and enthused by what they had seen at the Year 5 Soirée. Year 5 Soirée
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