APS News 23

2 April 2020 AbingdonPrep News From the Headmaster It would be hard to start this piece without reflecting on the incredibly difficult and uncertain times that I find myself writing this in. COVID-19 has meant that we, like all schools, have had to close to all but children of key workers and we will be continuing to offer this service throughout the Easter holidays. Our thoughts are with those who are suffering from this and the wonderful key workers who continue to support us all through these testing times. Before this took hold, however, there were many magical moments that took place at Abingdon Prep and it was not until the slideshow, that is now on the website, was produced that all those fantastic memories started to flood back. Drama took centre stage this term with our Junior Section’s wonderful production of Hoodwinked performed brilliantly to a full house. Robin Hood and The Sheriff of Nottingham did battle with high tempo songs and wigs galore for our boys playing Maid Marian and her ladies. Year 5 all participated in a soirée which included group poetry, instrumental performances, sketches and some wonderful choral pieces to finish, with Elton John’s, Can you feel the love tonight , stealing the show. Year 6 were on stage the very next evening performing extracts from Macbeth with genuine understanding of the characters and some incredible witches dancing around the cauldron! Science Week, with its theme of ‘Our Diverse Planet’, was a great hit too. We were delighted that pupils from other schools could join us for the first time, as did Oxford University scientists who ran workshops for the boys. The boys love the hands-on nature of science and found abundant inspiration from the week. We were delighted that a number of our senior boys received scholarships this year in sport, music, drama and academics. They all worked so hard in preparation for these but we are always proud of the achievements of all of our boys, as every one of them have individual talents and passions that we will continue to support. On the sports pitches, every single boy in Years 3 to 8 has represented the school in matches again this season and we have had a number of very successful football teams. Particular mention should go to our U8B, U9C and U11C teams who remained unbeaten. More importantly though, the messages of teamwork and respect for all were key parts of their footballing development. I cannot begin to do justice to all that has happened at Abingdon Prep this term but I hope that the following pages of photos and stories will allow you to experience it for yourself. With best wishes Craig Williams In Februrary, Laurie, Laurie and Rhys from Middle Section participated in the ‘Let’s Debate’ Prep Schools’ Debating Competition at Oratory School. After taking part in morning workshops focusing on public speaking and debating skills, they were then given a motion and prepared their speeches in the Library at Oratory. Competing against eleven other schools from across the South East, they proposed the motion ‘This House believes that living in the countryside is preferable to living in a city’. The boys acquitted themselves very well during the tournament, and were very highly commended by judges, with a team from Caldicott School being the eventual victors. Rob Shaw Let’s Debate A History of Breakdancing Roger led a fascinating assembly on the origins of breakdancing, tracing it back to Shaolin Kung Fu around 1500 years ago, gradually adding elements of Brazil’s capoeira and samba, Irish and tap dancing, disco and hip hop. Roger, dressed for the part in tracksuit and crepes, assembled his ‘crew’ on stage taking us through its evolution, and we watched some fantastic clips showing the different dance forms.