The Other Half

ART, DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Alphabet Club This club is for boys who are interested in design and typography, and who want to try out lots of ways of making and designing lettering. Each week we will try out a new way of making a letter, and so over the course of the two terms we will created a mix & match style alphabet. Architecture Club The club is for boys who have an interest in buildings of any kind from high-rise skyscrapers to tree houses and sheds! Each term we will look at architecture movements, architects and individual buildings. You will have the chance to design/make buildings in 2D and/or 3D. There will be some structure to each session and you will need to be prepared to contribute to discussions and prepare presentations for the rest of the group. Art Skills Workshop If you want to improve your skills. Then this club is for you. You will learn how to paint and draw better and you will discover new printing techniques. Artwork Film and Special Effects Club In this club students get to do imaginative artwork based around their favourite films. We have previously designed and built Tree Ent face masks from The Lord of the Rings. Students have also studied the work of Marvel cartoonists and action film posters and produced their own comic book front covers. Ceramics Club Come and explore the wondrous world of clay; experiment with a range of clay construction and decorating techniques and develop your creativity and innovation skills. Be inspired by traditional/functional ceramics alongside contemporary, more sculptural work. Comic Book Illustrations Looking at the world of Marvel and comic book illustrations we enable students to invent and design their own superhero character. Students will be using ICT and rendering their own work with professional marker pens. Over the weeks they will then produce a front cover to a new comic starring their hero. 4