The Other Half
Joint Modern Languages Society The Modern Languages Department runs a series of events throughout the year in conjunction with St Helen and St Katharine. The Society is co-organised by a committee of sixth form linguists at both schools. The Society is not only for boys studying modern languages (French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Russian...) but any sixth formers interested in languages, language learning and other cultures. Events include social evenings, dinners, film showings, visits to the theatre/cinema and talk by visiting speakers. Details published on an ad hoc basis. Lower School History Club This club is designed for those interested in fun activities related to history. Past activities have included the making of helmets and swords, constructing models of castles and battlefield scenes and big screen viewing of history-based movies and favourites such as ‘Blackadder’. Lower School Maths Puzzle Club We meet to explore interesting and quirky areas of maths, play mathematical and logic-based games, and pit our wits against puzzling challenges. Everyone is welcome, even if you don’t feel that you’re a maths whizz! Poetry by Heart Open to anyone from Third Year to Upper Sixth with a love of poetry and an interest in exploring the art of verse speaking. Students learn poems by heart and enter a national competition if they wish. This group also takes part in National Poetry Day activities and helps to promote a love of poetry across the school. Sixth Form History Society An opportunity to listen to talks from distinguished visiting historians – and to discuss historical topics, informally. A range of topics will be addressed, often tied to the A level syllabus – but also designed to broaden historical perspectives. The society also stages a Christmas Quiz and end of term social gatherings. Archaeology & Classics Club The Club offers the opportunity to learn about life in the Ancient World in many different civilisations, including the Egyptians, Persians, Vikings, and of course the Greeks and Romans. The Club also learns how archaeologists piece together information about past societies – and most excitingly there is the opportunity to excavate. Activities include watching films and documentaries, making models and posters, learning to use archaeological techniques, and how to dig. 45
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