The Other Half

Badminton Middle and Upper School Badminton operates within the Sports Options programme. Both match players and learners are accepted, although often there is a trial because more boys opt to play than we have space for. Our record against other schools is enviable Basketball We are looking to build on our existing squad for the future so any aspiring Kobe Bryants or Michael Jordans are welcome. Spaces are limited to squad players only although if you are a keen basketball player and would like to trial for the squad do come along to practise. Boat Club The Boat Club has been in existence at Abingdon School for 184 years and goes from strength to strength and never has it been more successful. Boys can row from the Third to Fifth Year, in the Lent and Summer terms, and all three terms by invitation in Sixth Form. Boys are expected to commit themselves for both terms since most of the regattas are in the summer. We have around 170 boys in the Club. Training takes place both in the school gym and at the Boathouse, on Wilsham Road – about a mile from the School. In the Lent term there would be 2/3 rowing sessions and 2 gym sessions per week. Boys are expected to participate on Saturdays. We have a number of aims for the Club, at different levels. The Third Year (J14) is an introductory year where we try to give everybody a fair chance to improve and to see if they like it. We compete in a number of ‘friendlies’ against other schools and later on in the year we compete at some regattas, including The National Schools Championships. The next few years through J15 and J16 are spent developing 1st and 2nd VIIIs, which will compete at external regattas and National Schools championships. The 1st VIII competes at Henley Royal Regatta. The School also participates in the Junior International scheme and boys have represented Great Britain most years since 1992. We try to accommodate all abilities and levels of commitment to foster enjoyment of a great team sport. We have an excellent timber boathouse, initiated and driven by parental support. We hope to maintain, and build on, our reputation as one of the most successful school boat clubs in the UK. There is a very active parents/friends supporters club, FASBC. Canoeing The club aims to introduce boys to various paddlesports and currently allows them to specialise in whitewater kayaking, open canoeing and racing. Although most paddlesport sessions take place from the boathouse on the River Thames we also run sessions in the school swimming pool where we can develop key skills, such as rolling, or play canoe polo. We are affiliated to the British Canoe Union and boys can obtain various qualifications during training sessions. Boys can also complete their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions at all levels in open canoes. In the past this has involved expeditions to various parts of the UK as well as overseas expeditions. Cricket The Cricket Club continues to grow at Abingdon. We currently play block fixtures against a wide range of top cricket schools including Radley, St Edward’s, Berkhamsted, Bloxham, Haberdashers’ and Winchester College as well as entering local county tournaments. Our squads tour regularly at home and abroad. A large number of boys are selected for county or regional representation every year. Croquet Following its re-introduction the Club has gone from strength to strength. Boys throughout the school tackle the application of the tactics of chess and the physics of snooker. Senior boys organise the external fixtures combining the social and competitive elements of the game. 37