The Other Half

Environmental Service By virtue of school membership everyone should consider themselves a part of the Environmental Service scheme. Our Environmental Service scheme seeks to increase awareness of waste recycling and energy conservation within the School and the broader community. The third year programme is a compulsory element of the Service scheme: the aim of the 5/6 week course is to heighten awareness of our school policies and mechanisms for waste recycling and energy efficiency within the school plant. This is suitable for any age group within the school as part of a service activity contributing towards for example the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme. Timing and levels of commitment are negotiable. This is an excellent opportunity for boys with an interest in environmental issues and architecture to make a real difference at the School. In addition, there is a pupil sub-committee of the School’s Environment Committee. The aim of this committee is to coordinate specific campaigns during the year to raise the profile of environmental issues within the school. In addition, this sub-committee will aim to monitor and audit our overall programme of activity and to drive new initiatives as and when appropriate. It is an important conduit for pupils to suggest and coordinate new initiatives that could become part of school policy. Language Leader In the weekly sessions, third and fourth year boys learn how to prepare a language lesson (French, German, Spanish or any other native language), giving each other feedback and working together. They then go to a primary school at the end of each term to teach it to a group of pupils. At the end of a full year boys gain a Language Leader Award, which can count towards the volunteering or skills section of the DoE award. This activity will develop both leadership skills and linguistic skills. Library Team The Library Team is open to students interested in supporting the running of the school library, increasing their understanding of how libraries work and developing skills in library administration. Regular activities include helping prepare books for the shelves, re-shelving books, tidying the library and discussing ways of improving the library service. Students commit for a year at a time, at the beginning of their second or third year. For fourth years, fifth years and sixth formers, the Library Team is limited to boys who have previously committed. Most students who join the Library Team remain with it as they move up the school, taking on increasing responsibility for training and managing younger members of the team and developing valuable skills in ICT, information management, marketing and problem-solving. Moldova Project Since 2000, Abingdon has been supporting the work of AGAPE, a charity working with young people in Moldova, the poorest country in Europe. There is an annual sixth form visit to Moldova to run a summer camp for disadvantaged Moldovan children. The project represents an excellent chance to learn about a culture very different from our own – and to provide support and friendship to those in real need of it. Older and Bolder Help make tea and chat to Abingdon ladies who attend an exercise class. Sensory Garden at Abingdon Hospital Help tend the Sensory Garden at Abingdon Hospital. The garden is maintained by volunteers and is used by patients to speed their recovery and relax. Gardening Club The School has a fruit and vegetable garden at the back of Whitefield. There are opportunities to maintain this and develop it as a source of vegetables and summer fruits. SERVICE ACTIVITIES 32