The Other Half

Abingdon Academicals This close harmony group exists for keen senior singers to develop their choral, sight-singing and solo skills, prior to applying for Choral Awards to Oxford and Cambridge Universities, in particular. Throughout the year we sing at a number of concerts and high-profile events within the School as well as in the local community. The music performed ranges from home-grown arrangements of well-known and well-loved ‘pop/rock/easy listening’ songs through professional King’s Singers’ arrangements to intimate church music settings. Big Band Ever popular, Big Band performs at the Christmas Concerts, the New Year Concert, the Spring/Summer Concert and often at its own “Jazz on a Summer Evening”. Regular tours abroad include a highly successful visit to Tuscany and a tour to the USA playing in Boston, New York City and Washington DC. Big Band has also made two CDs and joined the Orchestra on the Japan/Hong Kong tour in 2019. MUSIC Brass Band Performs at the Christmas Concerts or New Year Concert and the Spring/ Summer Concert. Also plays at special assemblies and other services, including every Christmas at the Community Service Tea Party. 20