The Other Half

Worldwide Expeditions The School has a strong tradition of embarking on challenging and adventurous trips and expeditions to various parts of the globe. They are for anyone interested in trekking and experiencing new cultures and climates. Trips have included: expeditions to Nicaragua and Costa Rica, Madagascar and throughout Europe. Boys have also experienced dog sledging and cross-country skiing in the Arctic and cosmonaut training in Russia. In a recent trip to Madagascar boys spent one week in the jungle working with research scientists to study jungle species and record ecology data. The second week was spent learning about coral reef ecology and studying the species that make up the coral reef while scuba diving. The trips are designed to be challenging, both mentally and physically, with boys taking responsibility for much of the organisation themselves (both before and during the trip). It is hoped the boys will develop their leadership skills and ability to work as a team during the expeditions. With many trips boys are asked to raise a substantial portion of the cost of the trip themselves. 15