The Other Half

Digital Product Development This activity provides boys with an opportunity to learn or improve their knowledge of the Computer Aided Design programme ‘Fusion 360’. The industry standard piece of software is used by commercial designers and boys will learn to create objects and designs in 3D, working towards outputting their work using the Makerbot 3D printers. Doodle Illustration Books A doodle is a drawing made while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied. This club offers a way to relax when drawing but also teaches students a lot more. Students will aim to produce detailed pen illustrations in a small handmade book. They will fill this book with images drawn around the school site. Work will include illustrations of architecture and natural forms. Students will then design an imaginary castle which will include their personal research. The castle will be built from card or foam board and it will be rendered in a doodle style. Drawing Club This club is for boys who are interested in drawing, and want to try out a variety of styles, from manga to Da Vinci. Practical help will be given so you can improve your skills. Lower School Lego Architecture Club This club encourages boys to realise their imaginative designs in 3D using the Lego Architecture kits. Boys will research existing examples of interesting architecture, develop their own designs and then work with 3D CAD software to generate virtual scale models of their creations. Young Designers The great thing about Young Designers is the creativity. In many other Other Half activities, lessons and even out of school activities one must follow a set of precise, linear instructions given by a teacher or guide who is constantly trying to assess you or grade you on something. And that is wonderful – assessment is a part of life and Abingdon is one of the best places to come if one wants to learn about how to become great in life – but everyone needs time to relax and unwind, away from the stress of everyday schoolwork and study time. That’s why Young Designers is so wonderful. In Young Designers, you have the option to make whatever you want. A box? A bed? A table? A large wooden boat? Yep. Every Young Designers session, a group of lucky boys has access to the School’s state of the art DT department – complete with sanding machines, laser cutters, and even a few 3D printers! If you can think it, you can make it – all it needs is for you to select Young Designers for an Other Half session. 7