APS News No21

abingdon.org.uk/prep 7 Abingdon Prep In and Out How To Make My Teacher Angry Firstly skim in a piece of a stolen pen, Next dice in a silly spelling mistake, Add in some ripped rough book, Season with some ruined homework. After that mix in some undone laces, Soak in some running in the corridor, Make the pot explode with food fights, Squeeze in some slumping in the chair. Stir in some scribbling onto the floors, Lastly flick in some spray painted walls Until the teacher screams, “Please children, no more!” Noah Firstly mix in some calling out, Then pour in a teaspoon of ripped books, Put in a tablespoon of untucked shirts, Whisk in deliberate burping. Soak in a bit of mimicking the teacher, Chuck in some ignoring the rules, Dice up some rolling eyes, Grind in muddy shoes. Flick a drizzle of doodling on your desk, Squeeze in a pinch of drawing funny pictures on the board, Fry in a teaspoon of feet on desks, Boil a sprinkle of shouting across the classroom. Next don’t hand in homework, And add in messy handwriting, Marinade with wrong spellings, Finally do some changing of the subject! Michael 4AP Poems Year 7 had the chance to experience what it is like in a criminal courtroom during an afternoon kindly run by Mr and Mrs Vater. Natasha bravely volunteered to be in the dock and was accused of stealing two expensive bottles of wine from a corner shop. John Vater QC, was judge for the afternoon and led the proceedings. All boys were part of the mock courtroom and acted in roles including a court clerk, usher, barristers for the defence and prosecution, witnesses and courtroom artists. The remaining boys made up two juries of twelve pupils. After the eight barristers had cross-examined each witness and made their closing statements, the juries were sent away to consider their verdicts. One jury found the defendant guilty while the other jury could not reach a majority decision. Natasha was given a suspended sentence of 6 months in prison! This was a great experience for everyone involved and a valuable insight into our country’s legal system. Thank you to the legal team who gave their time to run the event. Year 7’s Brush with the Law Young Art Oxford One May evening, the annual Young Art Oxford exhibition in aid of Cancer Research UK took place at the Ashmolean Museum. Twenty-one of our students from Years 3 to 8 exhibited artwork inspired by the theme 'Home'. Abingdon Prep raised £400 for the research into childhood cancers, a huge sum for a wonderful cause. There were many commended and highly commended pieces. Alex in Year 8 received 3rd prize in the Year 7-9 category; he explained his picture so eloquently in front of a large crowd ahead of receiving his prize from Lucy Stopford, Chair of the Oxford Arts Society and BP Portrait prize finalist. A fantastic showcase of our talented and artistic students. Sherrey Tysom Year 7 Leadership Workshop Michael Triff, Abingdon’s Head of Career Guidance ran a Leadership Workshop with Year 7. He discussed the characteristics of a good leader and the skills you need. The boys identified those skills they thought they had already, those they needed to work on, and ways to develop and improve them. It was an interesting and valuable afternoon and will help prepare Year 7 for leadership in Year 8 and beyond. 3D Printing in ICT