APS News No21

abingdon.org.uk/prep 15 Abingdon Prep Pre-Prep Pre-Prep’s Jungle Safari We had a super Jungle Safari Day in Pre-Prep with tigers, monkeys and panthers exploring a carousel of art activities. Pre-Prep’s annual Summer Concert and Prizegiving afternoon had a jungle theme this year, with Reception as stripey tigers, Year 1 as cheeky monkeys and Year 2 as sleek black panthers. Year 1 sang one of our favourite tunes from The Jungle Book ; ‘The King of the Swingers’. There were solo performances by a number of boys on a variety of instruments including the drums, piano and violin as well as a fabulous piece of rhythmic African drumming performed by Year 2. The children received prizes and said thank you to many people for their help and support. Our Year 2 Ambassadors passed over their jackets to the new Year 1 boys with promises to train them by the end of the term. The afternoon was rounded off with a fabulous Teddy Bear’s Picnic in the garden. Pre-Prep Summer Concert, Prizegiving and Teddy Bear’s Picnic