APS News No21

10 September 2019 Abingdon Prep Arts Year 5 Soirée The Y5 Soirée is always a popular annual event, and by 6pm, the school hall was full of families bearing picnic baskets and excited boys ready to entertain. Seb was first to perform a jazz piece, ‘Strollin’, on his trombone, followed by solos from Colman on violin and Ollie V H on piano. In great Abingdon Prep tradition, 5L recited ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes, then Eric and Willem played clarinet and saxophone respectively before Reeve’s Harry Potter theme on guitar and Nirmat’s ‘Rasta Monkey’ on drum kit. The second half saw solos from Oscar on oboe, Laurie on double bass, and Lawrence’s ‘Yellow Brick Road’ on piano. After another rendition of ‘The Highwayman’, this time by 5S, the whole year group performed selections from the musical ‘Oliver!’ complete with beautiful, tuneful solos from Ollie C, Ollie G, Toby, Finn, Lawrence, Jacob, Freddie and Rodion - a truly grand finale! Once again the audience went home hugely impressed and enthused by what they had seen at the Soirée. It gave the perfect platform for the boys to showcase their amazing singing and dramatic abilities. For a number of weeks, Years 3 and 4 have been studying the skills involved in reciting a poem to an audience. They have had to consider: voice projection, eye contact and movement in order to enhance their delivery, as well as remembering the words. After the first round in their forms, a number of boys went through to the Verse Speaking Final where they performed in front of the whole school during assembly. They all performed superbly, showing great confidence. The overall winner was Monty, who recited Spike MIlligan’s Silly Old Baboon . The runners up were Matteo and Joseph. Junior Section Verse Speaking Final https://abingdonschool.smugmug.com/Prep-School-2018-19/ Academic/CDT/Y5-CDT-Maze-Games-Jun19/i-75N8Mbq Saturday Art Sculpture Workshop A group of Year 7 and 8 artists took part in a weekend clay workshop, exploring the work of Modigliani and contemporary artist Chris Keeny. Using the slab building method, students crafted 3D templates in paper and built their chosen Modigliani portait around it, using relief and colour slips. They all did a fantastic job. Now for the firing! Sharks & Fishes in CDT!